State Energy Efficiency (EE) Index India 2018

As the technology developing day by day we are now able to access to different devices which are available just at our fingertips. We are heavily loaded with any information on a large number of gadgets available online and offline. Nowadays we are using several electrical and electronic gadgets at our homes, workplaces and other places for different requirements. When we are purchasing it for the first time or replacing an existing item or upgrading to a higher model, various determinants such as cost, design, features, size, colour, energy ratings etc. comes at different positions in our priority list.

Energy Star Logo
Since many years the demand of energy is increasing upon years, in 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched Energy Star, a voluntary labelling program that designed to promote and recognize the energy efficiency in monitors and other technologies. Further after years, many products were added to the program and currently more than 75 different product categories including new homes, commercial buildings and industrial plants. Later many institutions partnership with Energy Star to deliver cost-saving energy efficiency solutions. You may be noticed this Energy star logos on many Green computing Desktop monitors.

BEE Logo
In India, the Government has set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in 2002 under the provision of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 for the development programs which will increase the conservation and efficient use of energy in India. January 2010 onwards the government has proposed to make it mandatory for certain appliances in India to have ratings by the BEE. This was one of the eight thrust areas in India's National Action Plan on Climate Change. Star ratings were marked on the appliances according to the saving efficiency. In 2018 beginning, the star labelling program for LED lamps has become mandatory.

In August 2018 Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE), under the guidance and leadership of the BEE and NITI Aayog, has developed the State Energy Efficiency (EE) Index for 29 Indian states and the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Based on their efforts and achievements, states have been classified as Front runners, Achievers, Contenders and Aspirants. As per the report, the five state have been listed as 'Front runners'. Kerala, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab have emerged as the top performers in the first ever State Energy Efficiency Index released by BEE. The State EE Index comprises 63 qualitative, quantitative, outcome-based indicators to assess energy efficiency initiatives, programmes and outcomes in 5 sectors, i.e. Buildings, Industry, Municipalities, Transport, Agriculture, and Distribution Companies.

What technologies or appliances are you using for saving energy in the daily life. Let's work together with the Nation for the transformation of India into a global leader in the field of energy efficiency, and energy efficient technologies. 

Let's Save Energy for a Sustainable Future.

Source: Wikipedia, BEE, EnergyStar

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